Sonoma Valley Interfaith

Giving Thanks in 2022
On Wednesday, Thanksgiving Eve, the Interfaith Group hosted
the Annual Sonoma Valley Community Thanksgiving Service
at Trinity Episcopal Church, Sonoma.
Our community leaders, residents, friends, family and
guests gathered for a special interfaith service of gratitude
and thanks for each other.
You can view the service here: https://youtu.be/ikaaymE9-Jg

From Sonoma Index-Tribune, April 27, 2022
Sonoma Valley Interfaith community rallies for Ukraine
Chase Hunter, writer. Read the article here.

From Sonoma Index-Tribune, November 27, 2019
Valley Forum: Homelessness is all of our problem
Rev. Curran Reichert is pastor of the First Congregational Church Sonoma and president of the SOS board of directors. Read the article here.